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Generate hierarchy

This is one of the more complex plugins, used to generate menus and breadcrumbs. For this, it reads certain keyword from the Page format, built an internal parent-child representation.

This is later used for by the functions "get_breadcrumbs()" and "get_sidemenu()", which you call from the Mako templates.

Page attributes 

At the "scan" hook, the plugin looks for entries like:

parent: Home


childs: Cmdline, Inheritance

Here's an example of five pages with different attributes:

title: Homepage
linktitle: Home

title: Impressum
parent: Home

title: Job
parent: Home

title: CV
parent: Job

title: Knowledge
parent: Job

Internal representation 

the plugin would populate the variables "_childs" and "_parent" like this:

_parent = {
    'Impressum': 'Home',
    'CV': 'Job',
    'Knowledge': 'Job',
    'Job': 'Home'

_childs = {
    'Home': [(100, 'Job'),
             (100, 'Impressum')],
    'Job':  [(100, 'CV'),
             (100, 'Knowledge')]}

That's all you need to generate a sidemap, breadcrumbs or a side-menu.

The pages are first ordered by some number, then by the "linktitle". If a page has no "linktitle:" attribute, then the normal title will be used instead.

If you want to modify the sort-order, simply specify a "order: 200" in the page itself.

Generation of breadcrumbs 

This is done via a suitable Mako templates. The template uses the function "get_breadcrumbs()" and returns (linktitle, link) tuples. As a bonus: all the links are always relative to the calling page.

Here's a sample Mako template excerpt:

% for page, link in get_breadcrumbs():
<li><a href="${link}">${page.linktitle}</a></li>\
% endfor

Generation of a side-menu 

This again is done via a suitable Mako templates. The template uses the function "get_sidemenu()" which returns (level, part_of_path, is_current, title, link) tuples. Again all links are relative to the calling page.

Here's a sample Mako template excerpt that converts this into a HTML menu:

<ul id="sidebar">
% for level, part_of_path, current, page, link in get_sidemenu():
<li class="sidebar${level}"\
%    if current:
 id="sidebar_current">${page.linktitle | entity}</li>
%    else:
><a href="${link}">${page.linktitle | entity}</a></li>
%    endif
% endfor

Generate a list of recently changed pages 

To get a list of recently changed pages, do this:

  history = get_recently())
% if len(history)>1:
<h2>Recent changed</h2>
%   for page, link in history:
%     if page.mtime > page.ctime:
        Modified ${format_date(page.mtime)}\
%     else:
        Created ${format_date(page.ctime)}\
%     endif
: <a href="${link}">${page.title | entity}</a><br />
%   endfor
% endif

Generate a sitemap 

To generate a site map for your whole project, do something like this:

  site = get_linear_sitemap()
% for level, page, link in site:
<li id="sidemap${level}"><a href="${link}">${page.title}</a></li>
% endfor

Now you'd need to use CSS to indent the entries. If you prefer a more normal "<ul>..<li><ul><li></li></ul>..</il>" style, you'd could do this with some more advanced Mako template magic:

  site = get_linear_sitemap()
  lvl = -1
% for level, page, link in site:
### Adjust level by indenting/detenting via <ul> or </ul>:
%   while lvl < level:
<ul><% lvl += 1 %>
%   endwhile
%   while lvl > level:
</ul><% lvl -= 1 %>
%   endwhile
### Print out the <li>
<li id="sidemap${level}"><a href="${link}">${page.title}</a></li>
% endfor
### At the end of the sitemap, detent back to level -1
% while lvl >= 0:
</ul><% lvl -= 1 %>
% endwhile